Saturday, September 7, 2013

It's a busy life working and being a mom!

Leo's first week with the nanny went great!  She sent us a lot of photos and updates to ease our minds.  Going back to work has been very crazy.  Having to leave right away to be home by 4 has been difficult.  I look forward to playing catch up this weekend.  

Leo's really growing fast. We won't know how much he's gained until the end of the month, but physically he starting to move around a lot!  He also has a long neck!  When put on his stomach he does push ups and rolls over.  He likes to bat, hold, and lick objects while he's on his back.  We set up his jumper this week, and he loves it!

At the end of the month he'll be getting his 6 month shots and a flu shot.  Because he still breaths fast and shows signs of CLD (chronic lung disease) they will give him RSV shots every month through cold and flu season too!  These help if he contracts RSV to lessen the impact it has on his still weak lungs.  We are very proud with all the precautions we've taken he had only little sniffles and no illness in his first 6 months.  These precautions will be used through cold and flu season in hope that even though I work in a germ filled environment, he will stay healthy and his lungs get time to heal and grow!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Good Bye Summer, Hello Back to Work!

Yes, I'm returning to work in just a little under 2 weeks!  eek!  Per the doctors suggestion, we've hired a nanny for Leo this year.  I've always been one to be excited for my child to go to daycare and interact with other little ones so it was a hard choice, but I knew it was best for little Leo and his still maturing lungs.  We've hired a lovely lady who has a lot of experience, even a year with a little preemie (smaller than Leo).  She needs to update her first aid and CPR so I am taking a course with her on Saturday.  After that, she will spend a day will me next week and a couple of days with Leo during my first week back at school.  She will be full time after Labor Day.  It will be hard to leave the little nugget with someone else, but I knew this days was coming - just not nearly as fast as it did. 

On an unrelated note, Leo is smiling like crazy and even throws out a few giggles here and there.  He's rolled over a couple of times, but not consistently.  His teacher says he on the right path and doing well.  He still breaths quickly, but it's not getting any worse...I'd say were pretty happy that at this time this seems to be his only medical issue.   Pretty great  considering only .5% of babies are born weighing as little as Leo.

I'm starting to feel back to myself again.  I am now finally off of all my medicines and my blood pressure is back to normal.  It's been a crazy year for me and Leo, and I am just so fortunate that it is turning out to be okay for both of us!